Table of contents
- TLDR (easy peasy) -
- Classes and Attributes:
- Relationships:
- Multiplicity:
- Key Points:
- Class hierarchies -
- UML diagram of a class hierarchy. All classes in this diagram are part of the Animal class hierarchy.
- UML diagram of several classes implementing an interface.
- UML diagram of extending a single class versus implementing multiple interfaces at the same time.
- PolyMorphism
- Relations Between Objects
TLDR (easy peasy) -
This class diagram represents a simplified model of an order processing system. Here's a breakdown of its components:
Classes and Attributes:
- Attributes:
- Attributes:
- Attributes:
(String) - Operations:
- Attributes:
- Attributes:
(String) - Operations:
- Attributes:
- Attributes:
(String) - Operations:
- Attributes:
Payment (Abstract Class)
- Attribute:
- Attribute:
Cash (inherits from Payment)
- Attribute:
- Attribute:
Check (inherits from Payment)
- Attributes:
(String) - Operation:
- Attributes:
Credit (inherits from Payment)
- Attributes:
(String) - Operation:
- Attributes:
- Between
: A customer can place multiple orders (0..*
), but an order is placed by exactly one customer (1
- Between
- Between
: An order consists of multiple order details (1..*
), where each order detail is part of one order (1
- Between
- Between
: An order detail refers to one item (1
), but an item can be part of multiple order details (0..*
- Between
- Between
and its subclasses (Cash
): Payment is an abstract class, and the subclasses represent specific types of payment methods.
- Between
- Specifies the number of instances in a relationship.
- For example, the multiplicity
indicates a customer can have zero or more orders.
- For example, the multiplicity
Key Points:
- Attributes: Properties or characteristics of a class.
- Operations: Functions or methods associated with a class.
- Abstract Class: A class that cannot be instantiated and usually contains one or more abstract methods that must be implemented by subclasses.
- Generalization: Indicates inheritance, where subclasses inherit attributes and operations from their parent class.
- Aggregation: A special form of association that represents a whole-part relationship.
- Multiplicity: Indicates how many instances of one class can be associated with instances of another class.
This diagram captures the structure and relationships of an order processing system, providing a clear overview of the entities involved and their interactions.
Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard way to visualize the design of a software system.
Among the many diagrams offered by UML, class diagrams are perhaps the most widely used.
UML class diagram provides a static view of an object oriented system, showcasing its classes, attributes, methods, and the relationships among objects.
This is the UML Diagram of Cat Class
Say you have a cat named Oscar. Oscar is an object, an instance of the Cat class. Every cat has a lot of standard attributes: name, sex, age, weight, color, favorite food, etc. These are the class’s fields.
Luna, your friend’s cat, is also an instance of the Cat class. It has the same set of attributes as Oscar. The difference is in values of these attributes: her sex is female, she has a different color, and weighs less.
So a class is like a blueprint that defines the structure for objects, which are concrete instances of that class.
Class hierarchies -
Say your neighbor has a dog called Fido. It turns out, dogs and cats have a lot in common: name, sex, age, and color are attributes of both dogs and cats. Dogs can breathe, sleep and run the same way cats do. So it seems that we can define the base Animal class that would list the common attributes and behaviors.
A parent class, like the one we’ve just defined, is called a
superclass. Its children are subclasses. Subclasses inherit state
and behavior from their parent, defining only attributes or
behaviors that differ. Thus, the Cat
class would have the
method, and the Dog
class the bark
UML diagram of a class hierarchy. All classes in this diagram are part of the
class hierarchy.
Imagine that you have a FlyingTransport interface with a method fly(origin, destination, passengers) .
When designing an air transportation simulator, you could restrict the Airport class to work only with objects that implement the FlyingTransport interface. After this, you can be sure that any object passed to an airport object, whether it’s an Airplane
, a Helicopter
or a freaking DomesticatedGryphon
would be able to arrive or depart from this type of airport.
UML diagram of several classes implementing an interface.
UML diagram of extending a single class versus implementing multiple interfaces at the same time.
Here, Animal
is a superclass, and Cat
is a subclass and Cat
class is implementing two interfaces: FourLegged and OxygenBreathing .
Let’s look at some animal examples. Most Animals
can make
sounds. We can anticipate that all subclasses will need to override
the base makeSound
method so each subclass can emit
the correct sound; therefore we can declare it abstract right
away. This lets us omit any default implementation of the
method in the superclass, but force all subclasses to come up
with their own.
Relations Between Objects
UML Association. Professor communicates with students.
Association is a type of relationship in which one object uses or interacts with another. In UML diagrams the association relationship is shown by a simple arrow drawn from an object and pointing to the object it uses. By the way, having a bi-directional association is a completely normal thing. In this case, the arrow has a point at each end.
In general, you use an association to represent something like a field in a class.
For example, a Professor
object might have a field that is an array of Student
objects. This is a one-to-many association because one professor can communicate with many students, but each student can communicate with only one professor.
UML Dependency. Professor depends on salary.
Dependency is a weaker variant of association that usually implies that there’s no permanent link between objects.
Dependency typically (but not always) implies that an object accepts another object as a method parameter, instantiates, or uses another object.
Here’s how you can spot a dependency between classes: a dependency exists between two classes if changes to the definition of one class result in modifications in another class.
UML Composition. University consists of departments.
Composition is a “whole-part” relationship between two objects, one of which is composed of one or more instances of the other.
UML Aggregation. Department contains professors
- Aggregation is a less strict variant of composition, where one object merely contains a reference to another.
- The container doesn’t control the life cycle of the component. The component can exist without the container and can be linked to several containers at the same time.